No longer with Us - Dogs who have sadly passed, but will always be remembered
Here are a few of the dogs I have groomed that are no longer with us. Our thoughts go out to all of you. Every dog I groom I get attached to and cry when finding out the news, there days where you suddenly have memories of moment with them and think about them and I know in my heart I will always remember them all.
She was a regular client who I will always remember for her personality and especially her big top knot. She lived for 12 years and could not have had a better home.
I had the honor to meet him and groom him in his last few months. He was very sweet and well behaved. He was a real gent.
I had the honor of giving her her first groom. She was a mature lady when her owner (my friend) thought she would travel from her home in Bognor Regis to treat Tess for a bit of pampering . They had done such a good job already there wasn't much I had to do. She warmed everyone's heart who knew her.
She was a sweet young cuddly girl and sadly died to young .
She was a lovely sweet lady with a heart of gold.
I had been grooming Sasha for two years. She was such a lovely gentle girl.
Buster was a lovely character who was very loved by his family.

I had the privilege of grooming Sam, he was a sweetie and a regular to me for his pamper session, even at the age of 15 years he was such a character.
He was a gentle giant that people avoided due to his size but he wouldnt hurt a flie, I started off grooming him and ended up becoming part of his family . I became friend with his Mum and Dad, and saw them weekly . I fell in love with him like I love my own, I used to walk him when my friend couldnt and groom him . My heart broke the day I found out he died unexpected turns out there a secret he didnt want us to let us know he had . To this day I still love him like my own and thank him for bringing his parents and him into my life . ery dog I groom I get attached to and cry when finding out the news there days where you have memories of moment with them and think about them Ev

He was the most sweeties Staffie I have ever seen, he used to jump in the bath and on the table without even saying a word . He was a sweetie and will always be remembered

was a sweet soppy dog , she had a hard life and was luckily re homed to my client she got to see what having a family was like and was loved . R.I.P. sweetie .
Betty and Eddie
were such Characters they were luckily given a second chance at a old aged my client . they couldn't of gone to a better retirement home . They were well loved and cared for .
was a sweet dog , she always wanted to help with grooming . she was lovely dog and will be sadly missed . R.I.P. Tia , my thought are with her family .